Measuring equipment

For performing vehicle and packaging tests, we develop our own measuring equipment at ESTL.

By the way, we do not only do these tests on demand, we also deliver test equipment to customers so that they can do them themselves!

Our testing equipment is used in a wide range of applications: from testing stretch films to forklift tyres. We supply products for mechanical tests, packaging tests, tyre tests and fatigue tests. For the measurement of displacements, deformations and forces, you have come to the right place.

Tire testing


The ROTDIM-1600 is designed with the evaluation and measurement of tire dimensions in mind.


The RRTB-4000 has been specially developed by our engineering team to put tyres through a dynamic tyre test.


The STTB-200 is a high-quality semi-static tyre test bench that automatically measures the rolling resistance of tyres.

Controllers & mechanical testing


The UTMS (universal test and measurement solution) is a unique DAQ system and test bench controller. An ultra-modern test and measurement solution!

Packaging testing equipment


The FPT-evo is an evolution of the successful FPT-750. The FPT-evo combines the measurement capabilities of the FPT-750 with improved efficiency and ergonomics.


SPT (Shrink Packs Tester) tests and optimises secondary packaging for the beverage industry.


The FPT-750 offers a wide range of test programmes that enable realistic testing of tertiary packaging such as stretch film.


The FEF-200 (Film Edge Force) is a portable device that measures the forces generated by film at the corners of the pallet.

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